Festes de la Cinta in Tortosa 5th -12th September 20009

Just when you think the fiestas are nearly all over we have a wonderful one in Tortosa with lots of activities going on in the main park, behind the police station.

The dates are. 5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12


The nights the Expats and tourists seem to enjoy the most is on Saturday 12th September at 20:30


20.30 h. Sortida del XXVI Correfoc de les Terres de l’Ebre.

Please keep hold of little one’s hands during the route the ” correfoc” (fireworks display team) take through the streets of Tortosa. British safety standards do not apply!
However, this procession is a photographic opportunity. Everyone will be held in awe at the magnificent fireworks and how they move and rotate along their path. Let the children have an afternoon siesta so they can share in the family orientated fiesta.

It is a delightful night where all languages and cultures intermingle. Just wonderful!

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