

“Rugby in Spain, happy days!”

Rugby is not the first sport to come to mind when you think of Spain, but the sport has become very popular in recent years.

In Amposta we have our very own team of the Ebro. Los Taus club d´rugbi.


A team made up of multiple nationalities with English, French and Argentine players and coaching staff, but the heart of the team is still made up of local Catalan guys. (though some females and young rugby platers do train with them.

The team, staff and committee would love to have your support. Check out the website for more club info. you fancy a fun day watching the guys play then come down and cheer them on.

If you are interested in becoming a Los Taus player or just want to try something new then don´t be shy, join the team for training.

For more information contact us..

Training times.

Tuesday: 2000h – 2200h

Thursday: 2000h – 2200h

Fixtures will be posted on here when we have them.

Fixtures and results:

5-3-16 Los Taus 31 v 19 Cornella

3-4-16 Los Taus  15   v  24 Penyagolosa

9-4-16 Los Taus   Cancelled     Stockwood (Eng)

16-5-16 Ceu            v      Los Taus

Come and join the team at training or match days at the Serengueti stadium in Amposta.

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Videos and Pictures of the team in action.

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