” If sport is your thing then the Ebro valley will not disappoint.”
Spain has a good long tradition with Sport. Not just football which over recent years it has been well know for domestically and internationally. But other sports are becoming more popular. In the valley area there is host of great sports to either partake in or spectate.
Before I became a resident here in Spain, I had traveled here at lest twice a year and in all that time I never knew there was a rugby team within touching distance. When I heard this I thought happy days. So I went along to see the team and ended up doing a training session with them. At the end I was asked if would like to join and become a player. without hesitation I said yes and have not looked back since. So if your a rugby fan or just interested in having a look. be sure to check out the team. More info…
Anywhere you go to in Spain football is taken very seriously no matter what the level being played and the Ebro valley is no different. With a number of local teams representing their towns and villages. Where it becomes a real part of the community focus. But when it comes down to professional football the team which will be cheered for the most is FC Barcelona.
If traveling to the Ebro area and are interested in playing golf be it pitch and putt or a full 18 hole course. Then you are best heading to the coastal area. If you don´t mind a drive you can find some great cources along the coast.
Fishing for some on the Ebro is not just for fun but business, with a host of fishing guides offering the opportunity to fish for the giant wells catfish. Catfish are not the only fish in the river with good sized carp offering a challenge even to the experienced angler. More info…