We all remember, even if we are having a ‘senior moment’, the schoolroom chant for daylight saving of ” Spring forward -Autumn fall back ” or the next Saturday after the ides of March and October. Well, at one a.m. this morning in a slightly chilly, but beautiful moonlit hours of Southern Catalonia, the clocks were turned back one hour.
Last night around about half past seven, as I dragged my tired legs and aching knees down off the fruit picking ladders, longing for a hot soak my spirits lifted at the warm and comforting thought that I would be snuggled under the covers for an extra blissful, olive free hour this Sunday dawn.
Someone forgot to wind my German Shepherds´ clock back and the cat menageries one´s as well! Oh no! Please, all I want is one more hour – just one. It was not to be and Benson persisted by dragging my right ankle out of bed. No peace for the wicked.
Oh, well, I am up now and somewhat awake with one cup of steaming black coffee in me, I think I feel fortified enough to drag the olive nets around the next tree. Providing the fairies have not painted anymore on the last huge tree I think I finished off last night.
Yesterday morning was a slow olive picking time as we woke to a gentle shower of rain, that intermittently, gushed down and we had to dash indoors and make do with another cup of coffee and stare blankly out across the ” finca “, feeling somewhat despondent that I would never manage to complete the picking. The olive angels were kind to my pleas and the skies did clear – but it was most certainly cooler.
The valley is quiet this morning with no early hunters out shooting wild boar or rabbits or anything that moves – no hunting dogs can be heard. The sun is just beginning to shine through so come on lets gather up our tools, there is work to be done and they won´t pick themselves. Crack On!
Aside: If you have Californian relatives their Time zone for daylight saving is only going back one hour next weekend .