Hello one and all! The stress of Christmas is now behind us. Presents wrapped and unwrapped. Fatted turkey roasted and toasted and cold left-overs or turkey curries to look forward to today.
Whereas, in UK and South Africa 26th December is commonly referred to as “Boxing Day” and one can lie and laze about enjoying another days holiday, folk in California will wake up in a few hours time and they will have to trundle on down to work. Such a shame!
Today is for me a time for reflection on the years’ achievements, of projects not yet finished and need to be tackled before the old year is out. The kitchen ceiling is for sand papering one more time. Then, the final layer of white paint should hide any of the joints. This is something I am really looking forward to, as the stretching high above the double chins will also encourage those muscles around the alledged waist line that have been hibernating.
While Lee is he here we have a roof repair job to do over the connection between the old and new house. Then I can happily undercoat the entire kitchen walls and await the arrival of Xavier from Ginestar and my fitted kitchen.
Through no fault of Xavier´s my kitchen has been a long while coming. Even though we had budgeted for “my dream kitchen” the building work had run over budget and the labour costs had swallowed up the funds. For eighteen months I had despaired and anguished over the fact that I had lost such a huge deposit of euros. How do I approach Xavier and explain I need a revised plan of the kitchen extravaganza I had ordered? Sure, I speak a certain amount of Spanish but felt I could not argue or persuade him to alter the plans.
Then my South African friend, Charlotte of www.RioEbroHouses.com, dropped by for a coffee, listened to my tale of woe, took all the details and hey presto! – we were on our way to see Xavier. He had no issues about re-doing everything . Charlotte has not only made a new contact to aid her clients looking to relocate out here and have a new kitchen installed, she was astounded at the size of Xavier´s showrooms and workshops tucked away in the quiet, (often driven past village of Ginestar off the C12 route), but at his excellent craftsmanship and superb customer service and friendliness. He was more concerned about my family´s health than the delay I had caused him – ¡ Salud is prima ! – (Aside: note that Spanish use of the hyphen instead of the English speech marks.)
Do look Xavier up for your kitchen needs and designs. Xavier speaks Spanish (and Catalan) clearly and slowly, but if you need help of any kind contact Charlotte on her website above, her skills encompasses more than just Real Estate and relocations.
Xaviers’ details are:- Gaseni Fuseia i Mobles, s.c.p., c/Gral.Prim 13 – 18 , 43748 Ginestar, Tarragona. Telephone /Fax 977 409 270. Just tell him, the English lady in Jesus-Tortosa, www.BrighterSpain.com sent you over. Also recommend him to your Catalan neighbours and friends for “Gaseni: Fusteria, Ebenistera, Tendals, Mobles de cuina i Bany” and improve your language skills on the way.
So we have the New Year to look forward to of no longer trying to make meals on doors spread across trestle tables and a sink that I do not have to bend over double to reach and cupboards, glorious cupboards.
Homesteading in southern Catalonia leaps forward into the New Year !