Moving with Kids to live in Spain

With all the British press about knives and guns on the streets in the hands of even very young Britons is it any wonder that more and more young families are putting up the ´For Sale´ sign at their gate? It appears there is always the constant groan of parents, that their children can no longer “play out on the streets”, as they think back to their nostalgic years of roaming free without the dreaded reminder of “Don´t speak to strangers! Say NO to drugs!” But then we had a village or town “Bobby” patrolling the streets. He knew your name. He knew your parents. You knew him. But he was approachable and friendly. He was there to look out for you and pull you into  line if you pushed the boundaries too far.

The only guns we saw were in the movies. Drugs were something they did in a strange land at Woodstock and walking barefoot to San Francisco. Boys had pen-knives for hobbies, cutting string and whittling. Never to do harm to one another.

So moving to Spain can improve the quality and safety of your chlidrens lives. However, pause a moment to think how it will affect them. What are they giving up? Do they understand how things will be different? That you can´t just run around the corner to Grandma when Mom reprimands you or your “priviledges and treats” are withdrawn.

Jo´blog on the “Eye on Spain” is something every person moving to Spain should read and ponder over. Those who have settled here in Spain should take the time to consider what the child who were interviewed are actually feeling. Some children settle easier than others do. Don´t be misled that because your child was the extrovert in UK that they will just glide through the schoolday.

Here in Catalonian I have observed the children that go into state primary schools straight away, pick up the Catalan within three months tops! I know it is amazing, but kids learn through play as well as sport and in the classroom. Then at home time and holidays they are not excluded from sports events, outings, playing out and fiestas.

I am so envious how they pick up things so quickly.

The young Catalonians then learn Castellano at school as (for some of them the first time) as a new language, along with the Expats. Thing ahead to their future coming out of primary school with English (or their own foreign home language), Catalan and Castellano under their belt.

Moving onto high school they then are given the opportunity to study French at all state schools. Imagine how that opens up Europe and the Americas for career opportunities in whichever field they follow?

In Catalonia children are taught at home and in schools to respect authority and the Police. No “Lollipop” ladies outside the school to see you safely across the road, to your bus or waiting car. Oh no, the local smiling and helpful and approachable Police are there to assit you.

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