Baushaus and Chocolate -Reus Tarragona

Yesterday, saw us driving up to Reus Airport with the Mediterranean sun burning the cheeks of hubby dear, while I fought to keep the car in the correct lane on the AP7 motorway and avoid high-sided juggernauts, swaying precariously as they were battered by these mountain winds. Boy oh boy, those crosswinds can be scary!

Plenty of time to spare we decided to wander around Bauhaus hyper store, recently opened next to Carrefour. We were keen to compare it to our old favourite LeRoy Merlin that was just down the drag. It was a bit of nightmare to weave through the highway cones but what a joy to walk through their doorway.

Immediately a huge map outlined in coloured blocks, for ‘recycled teenagers’ Expats like myself, the wherabouts of everything. Everything was spacious and so thoughtfully laid out. No piles of boxes blocking the corridors and everything was priced. Loads of attendants were visible and only too keen to help in Spanish or Catalan and a number of them were fluent in English too. Yet please try and ask first in their language.

Before your lifestyle revolved around Location, location and location. Today, it is has gone through a metamorphosis and it is also about Value for Price.

Baushaus has surpassed all others. My other half was so amazed at the reasonable prices and on such well-known brands like Bosch and Alpina. I am afraid Lee Roy Merlin DIY store is going to have to pull their socks up to compete or even to come anywhere near to chasing the tail of this thoroughbred of a store.

But for me,  the “treat” that followed, made it a worthwhile trip. Just as you come through the cash tills there is a lovely cafè, still inside their doors, on the right hand side. They serve the most delectable tortilla snacks about 4″ deep filled with tuna and a variety of salad. Scrumptious! There is more – chocolate drink extra ordinary. I have never had such a superb treat. The hot chocolate was so thick, it was like really good thick texture of custard. Accompanied with 3 small little croissants to dip in and scoop the chocolate out.

Absolutely heavenly!

While waiting for a delayed Ryanair flight to come in from London -Standstead airport, all I could think of was what excuse I could use for a revisit, for a second cup. It was such a good “pick me upper” and not pricey at all.

Directions and details of Bauhaus.

Monday to Saturday opening hours are 9.30am -9.30pm

Horario:de lunes a sábado – de 9.30 a 21.30 horas

Autovía Reus – Tarragona, N-420, km 4  (Next door to Carrefour Reus)

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