Fancy doing something different this evening? Good! So why not pop down to the seaside town of l’Ametlla de mar just off the AP7 & N340 or the train line of Barcelona- Valencia?
August 22 # 17:00h Fish Market XXV Arrossejat Cookery Competition. Taste the arrossejat.
August 22 # 23:00h Fishing Harbour Dixie night “La Vella Disieland”
I have found a delightful recipe for “arrossejat” and am awaiting a translation.
This is the renowned LaVella Dixieland from Barcelona. However this link will give you an insight into the musical ensemble you will enjoy around quiet harbour lights. A town that welcomes everyone -locals, visitors and tourists and multi-cultural Expats. New friends will be made.
Also the bands website gives the starting time as an hour earlier to be 22:00hours tonight.Perhaps if someone else has more local information they will kindly comment in the language of their choice.
(Aside: The comment will not be viewed immediately as it will await my approval to avoid the dread spam.Thank you.)
Keep up the good work and good luck with your site – are you having fun with it? It’s interesting and well worth the time to visit.
This may seem strange but I couldn’t see the image above, I am using FireFox 2. anyways, what I read was very good and I enjoyed it. I was thinking about print it out, do I have permission to do that?