The Caravan

Farmstay By our guest blogger Sue (aka slightleynuts) Now we are living in our house it was a question of what to do with the caravan? A few people suggested offering it for rent. People might enjoy the experience off grid, or on  small farm living abroad. Learning to live using solar power and no…

My two new books out just in time for Xmas

My publisher has been busy so now my new kid’s novel Has Anyone Seen Kelvyn? is out in both eBook/Kindle and print version. May take a while to trickle up on Amazon or other bookstores, but I have print copies if you want one, or you can order them from This is the third…

Do I write or do I weed?

When I first moved to the Ebro River Valley I felt starved of intellect momentus. I craved discussion and debate outside the normal Expat lament of dodgey builders and not quite British building materials. I soon tired of eavesdropping and hearing the character assasinations of fellow expats, “If you are a fisherman first by definition, then of course you are a bona fide brickey, plumber, sparkey or lumberjack!”

Correfoc -pyrotechnic celebration – 12th September -Tortosa

Don’t forget tomorrow 12 th September, 2009 when Correfoc will start at 20:30 in Tortosa English version The Correfoc is a pyrotechnic celebration, celebrated mostly in Catalonia. It has its roots in the “Ball de Diables” (devil dance) in the 12th century. In the Correfoc, the attendants participate more actively than in the “Ball de…

Festes de la Cinta in Tortosa 5th -12th September 20009

Just when you think the fiestas are nearly all over we have a wonderful one in Tortosa with lots of activities going on in the main park, behind the police station. The dates are. 5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12 The nights the Expats and tourists seem to enjoy the most is on Saturday 12th September at 20:30…

Wells catfishing coupled with a WELLer welcome

Rain, rain and more dismal weather seems to be in play for the British summer. So why not take a few days off and a have a short break in Southern Catalonia? There are so many local British airports now flying into our nearest airport at Reus, near Tarragona. Bristol is another one that has…

Cats enjoy there luxurious holidays at Claudia’s cat-retreat

It is always a big worry when we are travelling away from our homes in Spain as to where we can house our beloved cats. Maybe the neighbour is not that keen to look after them anymore. Dogs are easier to find kennels. But house sitters for cats are becoming impossible to find. We have…

Little Britain

One no longer need groan at the exorbitant prices charged by so called “English” shops up and down Catalonia, there are some new guys on the blocks! Well, we welcome Tim and Elisa. We all become sun lounger lizards through these hot months and dread having to change just to go into town to shop….