“I´ll make your tea and toast in a minute, Mom,” I say, without looking up from the keyboard. That was an hour ago. Mom had quite happily dosed off in her chair with the warm sun rays lighting up her very good mop of hair for 84 years of age. Oh well, I was never cut out for all this nursey-carey larkey stuff. Anyway, she is fed and watered now, so back to the question of the day.
Do I write or do I weed?
The voice of practicality commands, “Weed girl. Get them weeds up before the earth is sun baked and rock hard!”
The voice of emotion whispers, “Sod the weeds! Write away to your hearts content. The weeds will still be there tomorrow. Write while the ideas are tumbling about – that fountain of ideas may not be flowing tomorrow. Never waste an idea. Write it down. Write it now!”
Okay, okay, I hear you both. Write first and weed later – maybe or maybe not.
I had oodles of email from my www.LinkedIn.com writers’ and Expats groups to catch up on. This is not a complaint, mind you, I do enjoy them. I do learn an awful lot from them. I relish hearing the debates between professional writers of all different calibres. I feel like I am on a steep learning curve on some of the discussions. I am not feint-hearted. I hear what they are saying. I mull it over (while weeding, when I do eventually get outdoors) and often think “Hey, that idea / style might just work in another series in my Chimona Chronicles.Mmmmh…”
When I first moved to the Ebro River Valley I felt starved of intellect momentus. I craved discussion and debate outside the normal Expat lament of dodgey builders and not quite British building materials. I soon tired of eavesdropping and hearing the character assasinations of fellow expats, “If you are a fisherman first by definition, then of course you are a bona fide brickey, plumber, sparkey or lumberjack!”
My sons then home on leave, hooked me up to Facebook and I can track them wherever the MOD send them. Aha! I also became a Scrabble-maniac, but my sons beat me into a word pulp, but I am not a quitter. I have made very good friends of like minded lingusitics stature around the world and just good friends, old and new, who love to play for fun. You needn´t feel lonely out here. It is also a great place to share your photo albums and reunite with long lost classmates ( I know I have found mine from South Africa – be then scattered around the world) and even mislaid cousins – one is settled in New Zealand. Now I never did get to new Zealand. I wonder what she would say I turned up one day like Dick Whittington.
Another great source of inspiration, both mentally and inspirational for writing and contacts have been joining www.LinkedIn.com. It is so easy to do. All you need is an email address and a password and slowly you develop your profile, or edit it as you see fit to do. I have found a huge cluster of other Expat writers and writers of children books on there. Illustrators and publishers abound to. You can choose which groups you wish to belong to under the Category you have assigned yourself to. Often my friends on LinkedIn are my friends on Facebook too. These casual social networks can interlink with the more professional ones. If you are wearing the entrepeneur cap or would aspire to be one,this is just the place to share your views and ask questions or start discussions. You will be amazed how the right and brighter people home in to help you.
Not quite sure if I did ever answer my rhetorical question: Should I write or should I weed?
Oh well better show willing…Weeds Attack! Attack!
Ah, the famous writer’s question. To write or not to write, that is the question. I say write! Write! Write! All else be crumbed! Alright, back to reality. I’m off to wash some dishes. 🙁
~P.S.~ I do have an Inspiration Book and pen I keep nearby to scribble each and every random HARE brained thought I have. 🙂
As a gardener I say WEED… NOW… while you can still get them out easily and before they seed everywhere!