Correfoc -pyrotechnic celebration – 12th September -Tortosa

Don’t forget tomorrow 12 th September, 2009 when Correfoc will start at 20:30 in Tortosa

English version

The Correfoc is a pyrotechnic celebration, celebrated mostly in Catalonia. It has its roots in the “Ball de Diables” (devil dance) in the 12th century. In the Correfoc, the attendants participate more actively than in the “Ball de Diables.”

Explosions, the brilliance from the fire and the whispering from the percussion create a deafening environment and accelerates the vibrations. It’s an indescribable feeling. In the darkness, horns silhouettes dancing and jumping in the middle of the deluge of the fire in an breathtaking environment of sweat and burnt gunpowder.

Catalan version

El Correfoc és un acte pirotècnic celebrat majoritàriament a Catalunya. Té les seves arrels en el Ball de diables ja documentat en el segle XII. Al correfoc, el public participa molt més activament que al Ball de Diables.

L’esclat del tro, la lluentor del foc, el fum i el remoreig dels tabals creen un ambient ensordidor i acceleren les vibracions. l’efecte és indescriptible. En la foscor, siluetes amb banyes dansen i salten enmig d’un diluvi de foc en un ambient irrespirable de suor i pólvora cremada.

Gerard Vidal Pallares

3 Comments Add yours

  1. Maxine says:

    Nice job you’ve done on your site – are you having fun with it? It’s interesting and well worth the time to visit.

  2. jo foster says:

    can you tell me when the fiesta of the dragon or sinta! is in tortosa this year please ,the one where they dance under the fireworks thanks

  3. EbroRose says:

    HI this is usually towards the end of the Fiesta del Cinta – 8th September and on for a week. No more details available at present.Sorry.

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