What a week of gloom and doom?
Everytime you turn on the telly , the news is either depressing or frightening. As the world reels from one financial shock, to numerous aftershocks, since the collapse of leading financial institutions in USA and the UK, we must not sit back and be complacent.
We can all fight back. And as the old Latin emblem of “Ex Unitate Vires” -United we stand is implied by Unity in Strength. Please read this email sent to me and follow the link and please, please sign the petition. We can then all work towards a Brighter Catalonia and a Retirement and relocation in a Brighter Spain.
We may be living out in Spain and yes, where they have approached a more conservative attitude to lending and creating debt, what happens out there in the big wide world, does have a knock on effect, especially if you are surviving only on a Pension or your investment savings.
“Hi everyone
As you know, I don’t usually send forwards, but I think this is really important. If we act together and make our voices heard, which we can do in an unprecedented way thanks to the Internet, we do have the power to change things. Please check out the link below. Thanks.
The failures of global finance are really getting bad now – from collapses and bailouts to pensions, jobs and the threat of recession. I just signed an urgent petition to fix the basic causes of this crisis at the link below. It’s about to be delivered to European leaders, but to make an impact we need a massive global outcry to fix these flaws and loopholes and make sure the public interest is protected in future – please take a look and consider signing too:
Valerie Collins
In The Garlic.
Your Informative, Fun Guide to Spain
The must-read book for all expats in Spain