Figs are very topical as we go into harvest festival and our black and green fruit are bursting in their fullness in the autumn sunshine.
But what do you do with all this figgyness ripening all together?
There is only so much fig jam you can make! Figgy pudding seems to sit well on the stomach at Christmas time. So September is a touch early for stodgey food.
Fresh figs are interesting, so too are figs bottled in a dry white wine and (are ideal for up to three months or more) served with scoops of Nestlé vanilla ice cream. If you are fortunate or crafty enough to have made drying trays you can dry them in the open air through the day and bring the trays under dry cover on an evening and then packet and freeze them.
But I want something different. I want cake!
Oh Yum Yum and more yum- totally yumtious -go on give them a try!
Check out the these websites below. Let me know which is your favourite by adding a comment or share with me yours.
Ooh look there are more: This looks so easy to make too!
Now this is a must for all my gluten free friends (and tempting to others too) to try: – chocolate fig cake
Oh yes, madre mia bake me another one!
Now I wonder if there is a recipe out there for fig fridge cake?