Tortosa is becoming inundated with supermarkets. On one hand it is inspirational that these food giants are still expanding during the crisis period. On the other hand, how are they going to encourage more shoppers through their doors when there is such high unemployment? At the end of the day there is only so much money in anyone’s pocket to spend on food.
So it was with interest I notice the different supermarkets are staggering their opening and closing times to widen the catchment area. This is good news for Expats who like to shop early, later or even on a Sunday.
Carrefour down by McDonalds opening hours are:
Monday to Saturday – de lunes a sabada
09:00h – 22:00h
and the best news is they are open on Sundays and holidays – Domingoes y festivos de apertura:
09:00h – 15:00
Carrefour Market
Carretera de Tortosa, 43500 Tortosa
977 51 03 30
HiperSimply (aka Sabeco) you get an extra half hour : Monday to Saturday
09:00 -21:30
Mercadona in front of Aldi down the road from McDonalds opens at:
09:15hrs – 21.15
C-42 Tarragona / Valencia, BARRANC llet – Tortosa
Here is a very handy link not just for the other “10” food halls but other opening hours of shops in Tortosa or choose your town – choices and more choices

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