Concurs Popular de Truites i la Paella por Jesusencs

                          DIMECRES -11 juliol (Catalan) – Wedneday 11th July.

Mid – week and fancy doing something different tonight and not wanting to wait for the weekend to go out, come on down to Jesus in Tortosa and watch the giant paella competition. What is even better you are invited to share in the spoils of the cooking afterwards.

The contenders heavily guard their “secret ingredients” passed down from generation to generation.

No, all paellas do not taste the same!

The evening starts early 18.30 and finishes late. Paellas are cooked slowly and cannot be rushed. It promises to be lively and entertaining and definitely,vocal.

The event is held by the Pergola, next to the canal and the old Immaculada Convent ( now restored for the use of the Jesusencs and the Bar Casal.) If you are coming from Tortosa roundabout at Hotel Corona, pass Sabeco Supermercado and turn left off the C12 at the overhead traffic lights. Should one be coming from the Aldover-Xerta- Benifallet direction, on the C12 pass Clibegas and at the overhead traffic lights, turn right into the village of Jesus. Be prepared to park on the outskirts of the village and show consideration and do not park across someone´s garage or entrance please.

The Paella cooks love to discuss and argue about their ingredients so don´t be shy in asking them what is in it…

Yet, the evening holds out for more than just “stuffing your bellies”.

20.00h Cervesada popular patrocinda del pub LA LLUNA – popular beers!

Also at 18.00 Coctel de cava patrocinat del pub BROADWAY (not quite New York!) – Spanish cava is very good, too good if you are driving. So do elect who is driving home before you start sipping.

The competition ends at 20.30 with the judging and then 22.00 the meal is shared out with XARANGA PA EN TOMATA washed down with more cava or cervesadas or even the much loved Vino Tinto.

But a fiesta (festa) would not be complete without their music, so you can shake off your meal at the popular dance that follows with tha fabulous and highly acclaimed l´ORCHESTRA HIMALAYA.

If you require tables and chairs be early as these are asigned from17.00 at 1 euro a chair and 5 euros a table. Not quite sure how many you can get around a table..should be fun finding out. These will be cleared away between 00.00 and 04.00 (!!) in a calm manner…what after all that cava?

Apartir de les 17:00 h es llogaran taules i cadires per a la Paella.

Pre: 1,00 € cadira i 5,00€ taula

La recollida de les mateixes sera de les 00.00 a les 4.00 h de la matinada.

The main street leading up through the village, round the corner from the Adjuntanment and in front of the junior school will be closed for seating and merriment.

Tancament dels carrer Molins dén Comte i Daniel Mangrame, perque tots els veins hi pinguin col-locar les taules.

# The Fiesta  Major continues on until the 14th July, so more of the same information and the rest of the programme can be found on the :


# Por informatiu de les mateixes i mas de programa de la festa major Jesus 2007 – del 6 al 14 de juliol.

# In the words of our popular Mayor, Pere Panisello i Chavarria ( President de l´EMD Jesus -Tortosa ) – Es la nostra festa! –

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