12th / 13th / 14th October, 2007.
Who says fiestas are over because summer is over? Now this is one little fiesta with a difference. It is being held for the VI time and is held in the smallest town in Terra Alta – Prat de Comte. “Prat de Comte” means the Count of the Meadow, another interesting little village tucked away in the Terra Alta, just waiting to be explored.
Please note that the original route into Prat de Comte off the C12 is closed until 2008 for extensive new road networks. So you need to take the turn off for Gandesa off the C12. The detour signs are clearly marked.
There are some excellent photographs of the process of pressing the liqour and the course of events on :
Other interesting sites to read about this fiesta and others are:
The story tellers of this fiestas’ origins, date back a long time ago when families gathered together in this litle village and ellaborated the craft of “eau de vie”- the spirit of the liqour, after the vintage had been harvested. This liquid was transported to their homes and made in a portable press – usually a copper one. Some made this alcohol with the distillation of fermented sucrosed liquid mainly from the wine and the breeze of the grapes. After the condensation of the steam of the alcohol , it is poured out into containers. The liqour stopped being made after one home distiller and his neighbours lost their lives in an accident in the 18th century. (Sounds lethal brew!)
A few years ago people of the village with expert knowledge in distillery gathered together to restore this quaint art and the celebration of the liqour at the end of the grape harvesting. The main aim was to retrieve the memory of “de l’aiguarent!” Though safety standards are more stringent now. Though I am not sure how much proof is in the alcohol, so be careful if you are driving. Otherwise buy a bottle and try it at home with your friends and family who couldn´t get up to the fiesta.
Some folk suggest that it must not be drunk on its own but taken with chocolate or a slice of cake. (What to soak up the alcohol!)
But it is definitely worth a visit to see the process as well as view the local “jotes” dance and other village festivities. The programme of events can be found on the above links. Take time to stroll around the village, enjoy the scenery and chat to the locals. They will make you very welcomed indeed.
Quisiera saber en que fechas de este año de octubre 2008, se celebrará la fiesta del alcohol y, si pueden enviarme alguna información complementaria aunque sea del pasado año.
Moltes gracies
I would like to know when this years fiesta is on