Tortosa snapshots – spy in the sky …

I stumbled upon a nifty little site :

that portrays various sites relating to Tortosa. It depicts this blog one and

I was a little wary on entering this site as I wasn´t sure if it was one of those “naughty girlie” sites. When you google the meaning of “Resimajas” it comes up as ‘girls’.  (Sorry guys, I was so wrong.)

The language looks Turkish but I am not sure. However, outcame my Turkish dicitionary and I found similar words. “Resim” means ‘design, drawing, picture, ceremony’. ( The ‘tax and toll ‘ meanings we don´t need reminding about!) Then “ResimÇekmek” implies ‘ to take a photograph’. “Resimli” translates as ‘illustrated’.

These all seem to fit into what their site is portraying. A dectective lens snooping, needless to say, to our advantage, on our website photos. I love free advertising!

They have  a search box at the top called “Resim Ara”. To see all our wonderful photos first type in “EbroVoice” and press Enter. This is fun as it shows all our delightful photos relating to our cheerful blogs about Catalonia, Spain. Ten pages to view and then you can click on and read our articles too.

Then enter “BrighterSpain” and it shows 10 pages of photos off our website. This is fabulous. It gives you the reader an informed “snappy” overview of the Lower Ebro region, activities, businesses and people and their culture. It is like looking at the old fashioned projector slide shows. Except you are not sat in a stuffy, boring old school hall for hours.

You will soon realize why this is such a wonderful area to holiday in.

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If anyone else has a take on the meaning of these foreign words or which language it is, please write to me on the above email. The thumbnails down the side of their site leads to  a host of non-related sites snapshots. Some little cyber-robot has been busy!

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