Victorian Bushfire Appeal 2009

181, at time of writing, have lost their lives.

Others have lost everything -they have nothing, absolutely nothing. All their savings everything they owned,were tied up in their homes,. Families have been torn apart in death and loss, in this horrendous twist of forest fires and alledged arson. It is like the Australian Prime Minister stated, “There are no words to describe it. What can you say? It is mass murder..”

Please please please help.

International contributions can be made via a secure online form at the Red Cross :

Also check with your own local bank as they may have set up an independent bank account.

If there are any Australian readers out there please donate blood. The burned victims departments are desperate. You can call in at your local doctor’s surgery, do not wait for a Blood Bank, or just go to your nearest hospital. Your blood could save another life!

Please remember the Emergency services involved in this disaster. The trauma and heartache will live on, please support them too and remember them and their in your prayers. If you have not yet heard from loved ones, family and friends in the bushfire affected area, please call: +61 3 9328 3716

No one can understand or comprehend the desolation they feel. We can all help a little bit to help rebuild their lives and homes, offer them hope and some comfort to face tomorrow.

Every euro, every dollar, every pound or rand does help.

A disaster like this puts our own problems into perspective.

Please please please help.

The Saddest Day In Australia.Victorian Bush Fires.We Support You All! (

Through the power of FaceBook social networking we have all established close links with friends in Australia. Show your support please and join the group and it is helpful and informative:

One Comment Add yours

  1. leslee says:

    if they find the person that started this fire cause he liked fires..give him the fire of his life time ..set him alight and let him but that one out, let him know what it was like for over 200 ppl that burned in those fires

    im not usually a aggressive person but what those ppl have gone through ..what they felt before they died..must have been horrific

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