Who turned the sun off?

Well last week saw us eagerly packing away all our winter tracksuits and woollies and singing “Happy Days” as we donned our shorts and sunny tops. One glorious week of blissful hot days up in the 24 degrees. Oh, we are trully blessed to be living in this corner of Eden.

What a shock when we had to light the wood fire again on Friday night as temperatures dropped, low cloud set in and rain was the order of the weekend.

However, last week was productive and we are enjoying the changing seasons of Catalonia.

Vigorously we set about re-potting our cuttings or planting out thriving young plants into the self-made garden beds – a feat in itself on rocky land, ideal for olives and almonds, but a challenge for other garden plants!

I was wheel-barrowing up one load of home cultivated compost after another from the bottom terrace. While pausing half way up to wipe the sweat from brow and cursing, “Whose bright idea it was to make this pile on the bottom terrace?” I notice young plants growing in the muck.

Oh yes!  We have potato plants now transplanted into big compost fulled plants on the patio.

“They will never grow in pots,”says him indoors the non-believer.

“Oh yes they will,” I argue back. ” If Jamie Oliver can grow spuds in a pot, so too can this Spud grow them!” I tenderly care for them daily to prove a point.

There is more.

We have now planted out 28 baby almond trees in bigger pots. All growing in my compost. All flung on there in temper last year when I had left them, by mistake in  a carrier bag and then found one of my delightful eight felines had “wee-ed” on them. Well their by-products did surely prompt rapid growth!

“What on earth are you going to do with another 28 almond trees,” says a surprised hubby.

“Plant them. Pick them. Eat them. Cook with them. All sorts of delightful things,” I say, full of the joys of spring and new life being breathed into this dry land.

Just flipped over to check Tortosa weather forecast for the week and I will not need to water the garden until the weekend, when temperatures will be baked in wonderful sunshine of 21 to 24 degrees.

To tourists coming out to this area bring change of clothing and a light waterproof jacket ideal for strolling or hiking in. Don’t let the rain spoil your vacation. Just come prepared and there is so much to do for all types of weather out here.

Just ask the locals. Read up on Tortosa Forum or ask me via my Contact page on www.BrighterSpain.com or leave your query on the Comments block.

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