International Pottery & Ceramic fair in La Galera, Montsià – 1st to 3rd May

(Feria de la  Alfarería y Cerámica, La Galera   Del  1 de mayo al 3 de  mayo)

La Galera

MONTSIÀ, borders on our delightful Catalonia and is easily accessible from all the arterial routes as displayed on the Google map.  During the days of fair it is reported than more than eighty exhibitors of pottery and ceramics will arrive from every corner of Catalonia, various different places across Spain and from other parts of the world.such is it popularity. It literally takes over the town! Visitors will be able to enjoy a wide expression of exhibitions displaying  traditional pottery, artistic ceramics, of varied creations and designs in forms and colours.

You will indeed be hard pressed in not purchasing one or more pieces of work!

The organizers will guarantee you a very warm welcome and fervently want to enjoy in the exchange of traditions and cultures.

Free admission. It is open from 10h to 14h and then after a siesta and a delightful meal you can return for 16h to 21h. This will be on from the 1st to 3rd May.

City Hall of La Galera  Tel.  977 718 339

One Comment Add yours

  1. catherine earle marsh says:

    I am a potter – artisan – living in Castellon region and am interested in participating in your ceramic fair this May. Can you tell me how and to whom I apply and the admission procedures.
    I wheel throw functional and individual items in stoneware.

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